Community Happenings
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Communitiy Happens 1937 to 1964 


Union Church Caught fire in cellar Jan 15 1939


Bob Murray and Bess Warner wrer married Jan. 21 1942


Harvey Malcolm elected Mayor of Port Hawkesbury Feb. 01 1944


Mabou Asylem burnet down two women burnt to death Feb 03 1947


Martha Peeples house burnt down Feb. 08 1939


Faurquhar House burned down June 13 1943


Charlie's Sprays house in Mulgrave burnt down 2 children burnt to death

 and Mrs. spray and old Spray burnt bad Feb. 18 1943


Memorial Hospital burnt in Inverness Feb 20 1939


Edmond Williams and Margaret Wesrt were married March 27 1944


Lou's house caught fire April 30, 1937


Ferry boat burned May 03 1955


Found baby's body in the passage at Point Tupper May 06 1939


Germany surrendered to Allies Sunday May 06 1945


Kate Ryan and Frank Murphy were married May 08 1946


Mrs. John Canada's house burned down May 14 1937


David Langley and Marion Embree were married May 16 1945


Bill Warner to( Moffot?) was married May 24 1951


Ian MacMaster was married May 24 1950


Dredge beacon bar burned down to waters edge


W.B. Warner and Alice Proctor were married May 21 1938


Gordon Malcolm';s house burned down June 02 1953


Eddie Warner was married June 16 1947


Leo Forestall's house burned down June 23 1941


Johnnie Warner got married June 23 1947


George Baullieul was married July 01 1945


Margaret Ladd aws married July 08 1953


Frank Whalen's daughter and MacNeil were married July 14 1953


Pete Warner was called to enlist in Navy July 20 1942


Collie Ryan's daughter was married July 29 1953


Olive MacDonald was married Aug 08 1951


Japan surrendered Aug. 14 1945


Freddie Ryan and Wilbene Rouge were married Aug. 14 1951


Whilma Grant and John Lamey were married Aug 18 1941


Anthony MacDonald's house burned down Aug 18 1950


Helen Kelly and Ott Mac were married Aug 19 1941


National fis shed burned down Aug 27 1947


Joe Cass married in New Waterford Oct 24 1938


Henry Muggahs and Ella Philpott were married Nov. 02 1938


Ernest LaVangie's house burned down at West Bay Road Himself

and 3 children burnt to death Nov. 12 1948


Helen Warner and Arnold Conrad were married Nov 20 1944


Reg Canada and Rose Koggie were married Nov 24 1938


Point Tupper scool house burned down Nov 24 1963 (see opening cermonies  in 1935 )


Angus Waye elected Mayor of Port Hawkesbury Dec 05 1961


William Lamey married Dec 26 1962


Alice Warner and Albert LeBlanc married Dec 26 1963


Started to cut wood off land for pulp mill in Point Tupper July 14 1959


Rodent Trainor and Mary MacDonald were married Sept. 19 1959


Jim MacIntrye (Red Jim) and Rose Proctor were married Sept. 26 1959


British,Canadian and American forces invade FranceJune 06 1944


Louis Cob(?) and Cass married Oct 16 1950


Point Tupper lighthouse burned down Oct. 04 1957


Ted Cass's house burned down April 27 1957


Digdon's garage burned down in Mulgrave Jan. 05 1958


John Davis elected for town council Port Hawkesbury Feb. 05 1958


Dan P. Ryan's house burned down May 24 1963 He and his wife burnt to death


Dorthy Baullieul was married June 11 1960


Bill Frasher's daughter married July 27 1962


Hayes' daughter married Aug. 4 1962


Beulah Warner and Jim Mitton were married Aug 05 1961


First gypsum boat to load at Point Tupper Sept. 22 1962


Beverly Cass and Surette werte married Oct. 26 1963


Horse race on MacIntrye Lake March 10 1963


Horse race on MacIntrye Lake Feb. 19 1961


Heather Warner and Phonse Ryan were married April 14 1961